First check the condition of the baby things. Wash them, sew where the missing buttons, darn that small holes and cuts. If some of the things that are hopelessly worn out, stained, outdated moral sort them from those that are going to give and make for the nearest trash can. There take old fur, plush, soft toys, as they are not taken in the points which will be mentioned below.
Things you selected in order to distribute free of charge, invite the neighbors on the porch, friends, on the street, mothers with young children. You may not have to resort to other ways to solve, to whom to give things, because they desperately need those who are close to you.
Take a photo of some baby things, and place an ad with a photo or just describe in detail in the text, for what age and what things I suggest to give for free. Your message will post on the boards of free announcements on the Internet. You can also print or write the Declaration by hand on paper, reproduce it and hang near your house (on porches, stop, store).
Things from 0 to 3 years are in dire need of baby the child's home, which are located in regional centers (not in city) as provided much poorer local township budgets, compared to urban security. The clothes here will be happy to accept toys, including educational, children's furniture, hygienic cosmetics.
Baby stuff 0 to year take in the infectious diseases departments of hospitals, where are the children-refuseniks. Often the local budget does not allocate funds for the maintenance of such children, in connection with clothing, toys, hygiene items there is often not enough.
If you have accumulated things of childhood from 3 years and up to adolescence – wear them in orphanages. Especially children "s homes need modern things winter and summer, in adolescence, they could go to camps over the holidays.
Find the Internet address in your area urban centers for things, churches that take things. Here things are sorted, laid out, and hung fall into the hands of the poor, large families, single mothers in need of assistance.