You will need
  • Standard keyboard adapter PS/2-USB.
This may sound strange, but opting for a bulky keyboard is not accidental. Many computer users like the high key, although this significantly reduces the printing speed of the text. Some users come to the idea of changing the keyboard only because of its color. Someone changes the keyboard only due to the presence of additional functional keys.
Connecting a new keyboard to your laptop can occur in different ways, i.e. it all depends on the plug, which is located at the end of the keyboard wire. If it format the USB, the connection will not take a lot of effort and time. Turn off the laptop, turn the laptop the back part, locate the USB connector on the back of the laptop, plug the connector coming from the keyboard into the USB port of the laptop, turn the laptop on.
If the plug of the PS format/2, you'll need to buy an adapter format "PS/2-USB". Connection diagram of this type of keyboard to the laptop has a slight variation from the scheme as written above. Turn off the laptop, turn the laptop the back part, locate the USB connector on the back of the notebook, fasten the adapter to plug your keyboard, insert the plug coming from the keyboard into the USB port of the laptop, turn the laptop on.