You will need
- Computer, USB keyboard, PC/2, USB-PC/2
The first and simplest step is to get a USB adapter-PC/2. Inexpensive – happy instantly. Plug a USB keyboard into it and it into a computer port PC/2. The keyboard will be determined without problems, will run happily until it burns. If the production of the adapter becomes an impossible task – have a little "poshamanit in the BIOS E.

How to start "dancing with tambourines in the great and mighty BIOS, e, is known to many, those who are not familiar with the starting procedure, remember: after switching on, during testing of memory before operating system boot, press Del. In rare cases, you have to press a different key to avoid mistakes, follow the prompt at the bottom of the screen. Press N to enter setup, is N will be written the desired key or key combination that will bring you happiness of viewing window of the BIOS settings. When you click the magic button will have on the old keyboard, because the new is not recognized by the system.
There are several BIOS manufacturers, and so the patterns differ. But the essence of action and the names of all versions are identical. In the tabs system I / o need to find a USB Controller and put a value of Enabled ("turned on ). Then the item USB Keyboard Support (USB Legacy Support), mark Enabled. If there is an item USB Keyboard Support Via (the USB keyboard via BIOS or OC), respectively, there are two values of OS and BIOS. If you need to get the keyboard worked only in the operating system (Windows), put the OS, if you want to work, for example, in DOS, you need to select the BIOS, then change settings with the keyboard will be in the BIOS.
It may be an option that your BIOS does not support USB keyboard. Then you have to abandon it or to reinstall the BIOS. The installation of the BIOS is not the easiest task, and it is better to shift to the shoulders of a professional.