The woman, who stood on the account in early terms of pregnancy, is entitled to receive a lump sum, which today is 438 R. Paid a lump sum of only working women, serving students full-time tuition. It can be received simultaneously with the maternity benefit and maternity leave, providing the work place a certificate in the prescribed form, issued by the medical institution.
The allowance for maternity leave is paid at the time of occurrence in women of maternity leave, the duration of which is 140 days in singletons and 194 days for a multiple pregnancy.
If, before the start of the leave for pregnancy and childbirth, a woman officially worked, so she's in the personnel Department at the place of work you must write the application form and attach the sheet of disability. In the case of a woman before leaving on vacation and maternity leave, worked part-time, benefit she can receive from each employer and for that expectant mother it is necessary to provide several sick leaves.
Calculation of maternity benefits is made not later than 10 days after the application is written. To receive benefits a woman can at work or on a plastic card, depending on which method of calculation provided for employees in the organization. Benefits are paid in full and the next day when the organization with the salary issue.
In 2011, the estimated period for payment is taken in two calendar years preceding the onset of leave for pregnancy and childbirth. When calculating benefits for pregnancy and childbirth is taken as 100% earnings, but sick and holiday pay are not counted.
In a situation when a woman before the holiday and maternity leave officially listed as unemployed or a student of stationary form of education of the University, maternity benefits are paid by body of social protection of the population according to actual place of residence. The allowance will not exceed 1 minimum wage.
To apply for benefits should not later than 6 months after the birth of a child. Maternity benefits are not subject to taxation and insurance.