To understand the logic

Before studying a language, you need to find its place in the language family to determine next of kin and type of language. Yes, oddly enough, reading books on linguistics makes life easier for the people who study languages with a form of entry significantly different from their own. All beginners should know that the Korean language belongs to the Manchu-Tungusic group of the Altai family of languages. It is an agglutinative language and, therefore, the proposal is based on the scheme "submission – verb – object". That is not "I'm going to the store for food", and "I need food - because go - shop". Verbs don't conjugate nouns do not have kind, but there is a special paired endings of verbs in order to contact buddies, mother and father and older people and high rank. It seems strange at first, but experts believe that Korean is one of the easiest languages.
Circular attack

In order to study any language should not only study the theory, to take in the grammar and increasing vocabulary, but also reading, listening, writing coherent texts and, of course, to communicate. On the Internet there are many free resources to help lovers of the Korean language. So, for example, a resource offers texts, podcasts, in the Korean language for students of different levels - from beginner to advanced. The user reads the text while listening to it, memorizing the pronunciation of a native speaker and will link against the" new words. From words you can make cards, download them, upload to the mobile phone or by email. Another educational network where you can learn Korean, The free course includes more than fifty lessons: theory, validation exercises, quizzes and two assignments that test a native speaker - oral and written. Courtesy and respect are two pillars that underpin language learning in educational Internet networks.
Serious training

If the student studying the Korean language, you need a certificate or assurance that he was engaged in the best teachers, then you should sign up for a free Korean language courses at the Cultural center of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea: And learn Korean language for free at school Won Kwang There you can download free audiokursy and to purchase textbooks. In addition, the Korean study courses at the foreign Ministry and the departments in the University, RGGU, MGIMO, IAAS and others. These educational institutions train professional students of Korean studies.