You will need
  • water;
  • Sol.
Most of the tools for nasal lavage-based physiological solution. They cost sometimes over a few hundred rubles. The price is unreasonably high, especially considering the fact that the saline solution is a pretty inexpensive tool. But the treatment of the common cold is not all that capable of this fluid. Saline solution to rinse your mouth and throat inhalations in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, wash shallow wound. The process of making this tool is pretty simple, requires a minimum of time and ingredients.
If for making saline solution you are using bottled water, it is enough to warm up to 37-40 degrees. If the basis for the medicine water from the tap, it is necessary to pre-boil, then allow to cool to the temperature of the human body.
Prepare a salt of the first grinding. It is well and dissolves quickly, therefore, it is preferable to use it.
One teaspoon of salt with a small slide (in total it will be about 9 grams) slowly sprinkle in a quart of heated water. Stir the solution in the cooking process so that the salt crystals are completely dissolved. At observance of technology of preparation is supposed to be a salty liquid that can be immediately used for medicinal purposes.
Store prepared solution at room temperature, but remember that its shelf life is not more than a day. Homemade non-sterile saline, and therefore gargling or inhalation of stale liquid can cause harm to the body. If you do not have time to use a solution in one day, better to just pour the liquid and prepare a new one. It doesn't take much time, but guarantees a positive effect of treatment and no side effects.