You will need
  • "Novopassit";
  • - tincture of Valerian, motherwort, peony.
Tears usually lead to relief. The important thing to a nervous breakdown had adverse consequences. If, after psycho-emotional discharge the relief is not happening, you need to go to a therapist. Treatment nervous breakdown is the return of the person to a normal mental state.
What are the symptoms of a nervous breakdown? They are the most diverse. It can be mood swings – from high Jinks to sobs, disorders of the heart and the autonomic system, atypical for the person's behavior.
A man who has suffered a nervous breakdown, constantly feeling weak and tired. He was overly irritable and angry at others. It seems that all are against him and try to hurt him and hurt him. To this is added digestion and sleep. If you see some of these symptoms in your close, sound the alarm!
Nervous breakdown – a consequence of the stress, so it follows immediately eliminate the source of irritation. It is advisable to go to a psychologist, who will develop a strategy of protection from psychological overload and provide the necessary therapy.
For nervous breakdowns you can be sedated "Novopassit", tincture of Valerian, motherwort, peony. But these tools help not immediately. For the positive effect it requires a whole course of treatment with these drugs. Usually the result is visible only after a week.
Without consulting a doctor not recommended to take strong antidepressants such as "Phenazepam". Not controlled treatment can only exacerbate the situation. Also in no event it is impossible to "calm down" alcoholic drinks.
In the case of a nervous breakdown you should not withdraw into themselves. On the contrary, we have to interact more with people, to walk in the nature. Sometimes a simple conversation with a stranger on a Park bench helps to "vent" and to calm down...