So, before taking any attempt to think - do you really need it. Perhaps love is gone, left only a habit, and one river twice. Decided for themselves that this man in your life? Well, begin to act.
The first thing with him nicely to leave. No tantrums, insults, tears. Keep yourself with dignity. If you throw a scandal, the man once again to make sure that you need to run and as far as possible. But no need to play the ice - man decides that your relationship was initially unimportant and indifferent for you. The most important thing that he saw you in pain.
Release the man. Do it psychologically. Do not call, do not write SMS, don't obsess on the street. Just forget it for a time that is better be spent on debriefing. Try to understand why he dumped you. Do not attempt to return to the previous relationship, do not commit the old mistakes. It is better to start with a clean slate. A new format of relations will be a more viable option both for you and for him.
Take care of yourself. You must be really tired. Make an appointment with the beautician, make new hairstyle, update your wardrobe. Change the environment - go somewhere to relax. It will help to think about your new strategy.
You have to have a private life. Not sitting at home shedding tears over joint photos. Meet with men. Appears with her new partner in places where your ex. It must hurt. But don't tell everyone how you really happy with your new choice, and certainly do not compare him to your ex. No man will tolerate such comparisons, and all attempts to return it will be fruitless.
After all the steps try to ask him for help. Of course he can refuse, citing the fact that you have a new follower. And you casually tell him that all this is fleeting, that still remember him and miss him. You are once again alone and can only rely on his support. In love is all good - press on pity and compassion. And now a little flirting and female above. It is up to you. Properly dispose given, and he will again be in your arms. Women's wisdom always worked wonders.
Really want to warn: never go to sorcerers, sorcerers. Do not try to bewitch a man, no matter how much you love him. Because the spell is the suppression of the will. The person does not understand what he was doing, it will lead some unknown force. It will be another man who will suffer and suffer. You don't want to hurt your loved one? And according to this dispense magic potions and Voodoo.