Infusions and decoctions of rose hips are used for the treatment of many diseases. The plant has tonic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic properties. Anemia and exhaustion, infectious diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract rose hips can be used as an additional means of treatment. To derive maximum benefit from "wild rose" (which is exactly what is popularly called rose hips), you need to properly prepare it.
Cooking broth begins picking fruit. It is important to do this before the frost, otherwise the medicinal properties of rose hips are destroyed. The fruits should be dried in an oven (90-100°C) or dryer. The resulting raw material must be yellow or brownish-red color.There is another method of drying fruits, rather, their shells. For this you need to cut the berries lengthwise into half, remove the seeds and hairs, and drying the shell in the open air, spreading on newspaper in a thin layer.
Rinse 100 grams of dried berries and put them in a quart of boiling water. Cover pot and simmer broth over low heat for 10-15 minutes. To the broth was more rich, it is necessary to insist for 12-24 hours. Place the pot where no access to light, as in this case destroyed the vitamin C. Strain the broth through a sieve and drink it chilled. If you want you can add sugar or honey, the healing properties of the drink is not affected. But fresh broth would be better to quench your thirst, and then drink it you with great pleasure.
The broth can be made not only from fruit but also from the roots of the plants. This drink has a positive effect on the bladder and kidneys. Roots rose hips dug in early autumn, should be washed in cool water, crushed and dried. Two tablespoons of raw pour a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Cooled broth strain and take one third of a Cup three times a day.