You will need
  • - bathtub for bathing;
  • - potassium permanganate, decoction of herbs;
  • - baby shampoo;
  • - a towel.
It should be poured into a baby bath water temperature 37-37,5°C, if necessary, add broth of herbs (chamomile for healing of the umbilical wound, series - when lesions on the skin) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate prepared in a separate container.
Take the child on hands so that his left palm was under the head and neck, right under baby's knees and gently lower the girl into the water. The first bath lasts a few minutes, gradually bath time is increased to 10-20 minutes. The washing of a child is made at the end of the swim.
Wash the newborn baby girl must be carefully, pouring a small amount of water on the shoulders, chest and the baby's head, carefully washing the area behind the ears, armpits, all folds. Soap and bathing facilities to use not more often 2 times a week.
The last thing you need to wash away the newborn girl in the direction from front to back. To years it is not recommended to use soap for cleaning. In the process of bathing the mucus that accumulates in labia girls, soak and removed arbitrarily, therefore, no additional manipulations need not be searched, so as not to disrupt the microflora of the intimate zones of the baby.
After bathing, put the child a stomach on a forearm and rinse with warm water from a bucket, watering her on her back on the girl.
Wrap the baby in a Terry towel and dry the skin blotted movements.
After bathing, treat the umbilical wound, clean the nose and ears, brush the baby's body with baby oil. Genitals girls grease boiled vegetable oil.
At every diaper change and after bowel need to wash away the newborn girl under a stream of water from front to back, gathering in the palm of the water. Ensure that the feces do not fall in the sex gap girl. Well dry the perineal area with a towel, apply talcum powder and put on clean diaper.