Ethyl and methyl alcohol absolutely identical in taste, smell and color, so to distinguish the ordinary person them is quite difficult. There are several methods to determine that before you – ethanol and methanol.To establish the quality of alcohol can try the ignition of the liquid. Watch the color of fire. If alcohol burns with a blue flame, then most likely the ethanol. Methyl alcohol burns green.
To traditional method classifies the sample with the use of potatoes. Peel the raw potatoes and throw a small slice in the container. After a few hours it can change its color. If it turns pink, the test alcohol is methanol. In ethyl alcohol the potato is almost does not change color.
One of the most reliable ways to verify the chemical identity alcohol is considered a formaldehyde test. Take the copper wire and glow in the fire. Then dip it in the liquid. From methanol will emanate sharp odor of formaldehyde. Ethanol in such cases, virtually odorless or smell a faint aroma of apples. Also apply a similar final result verification methods. Moisten cotton wool with alcohol, set fire to it and abruptly put out. You can also add liquid potassium permanganate and burn. For the above outgoing odors determine whether facilities alcohol group is ethanol or methanol.