You will need
    • To brew from rye flour:
    • ½ Cup sugar
    • 0.5 kg of rye flour
    • 8 liters of water
    • 15 g of fresh yeast.
    • For kvass from rye bread toasts:
    • ½ Loaf of bread (for breadcrumbs)
    • rye flour
    • sugar
    • 30 g of yeast
Dissolve yeast in warm water and leave to increase in volume.
Rye flour pour the boiling water and knead the dough to get the consistency of thick cream. Allow the dough to cool to about 35 degrees.
Then dilute with warm boiled water, add the sugar and the risen yeast. Stir and leave until the fermentation process for about a day.
After that, strain and put in the refrigerator for two days.
Can this recipe to diversify and prepare a brew from roasted rye bread. To begin, prepare crumbs of bread. Fry them until the color what shade you want to brew. If it is good to fry the bread to a dark brown, dark brew with a rich taste and slightly toasty crackers will give the brew a light color.
In three-liter jar put a tablespoon of rye flour, a tablespoon of sugar and fresh yeast. Pour warm water and leave until the beginning of the fermentation process.Wait until the top to receive a cap of foam. Add a little more sugar to taste, toasted croutons and add in a mixture of warm water. Don't forget to leave room for the fermentation, it is about to start narrowing banks.
Cover the container with a thick cloth and place on the tray, so as not to stain the table dripping drops during fermentation.
Best jar of kvass and store in a cool place for about 2 days. When he reached the desired color, strain it through cheesecloth again and let stand in a cool place. This drink is already possible to drink.