As soon as you feel a cold starting to appear on the itchy area immediately apply an antiseptic, which is designed specifically for the treatment of herpes, such as Acyclovir. Then, if precipitation will occur, it is not so ominous, as without the use of an antiseptic. So always try to carry it with you.
Herpes on nose also help to get rid of folk remedies: take 1 teaspoon with a slide of black tea or 1 tea bag and boil it in half Cup of boiling water. Should insist to cool. Then soak in chilled leaves of a cotton ball and attach it to the bottle. This procedure is repeated several times a day for three days.
Prepare herbs: the root of the cowslip, lungwort grass, grass violets, flowers of mullein, birch leaf, nettle leaf, fennel fruit, plantain leaf, grass succession, raspberry leaf, rose hips. Prepare an infusion: pour 2 tablespoons of collecting 0.5 liters of boiling water, drain in a thermos along with a grass, to insist night. Take three times a day for 1/4 Cup. This infusion can wash the affected area of the nose.
Herpes well help ordinary garlic: mash garlic clove and RUB the mixture into sore at night. Do so until the cold passes. A day herpes rash lubricate every two hours fir oil.
To cure herpes you can use the juice of celandine, which it is possible to prepare for the future. They apply liberally to the herpes sores 4-5 times with a small interval of 3-5 minutes. Do this three to four times a day. If you have herpes in your nose, then you can drip a couple of drops of juice right in the nose. In order to get the juice of celandine, take the fresh, with the roots of grass celandine, mince, squeeze the juice and pour out the vials so that the level is not reached at 2 cm to the tube. Juice leave it on for a week for fermentation, periodically open the stopper to let out the accumulated gases. This juice can be stored in the fridge long enough.