Kids from the very first day of life to years old suprastin it is recommended to give a quarter pill twice or thrice a day, at the discretion of the doctor who ordered the drug.
Before giving the child a quarter pill of suprastin, it must be thoroughly crushed to powder state.
Crushed suprastin can be diluted with a small amount of water and apply to the child with a spoon, and you can mix it with the usual crumbs of food.
Children from one year to six years suprastin can be given either by the quarter pill three times a day, or one third twice a day. If the baby has learned to swallow the medication with a glass of water, in powder suprastin can not turn. Although parents should know that the medicine is very bitter and sometimes it's better to discreetly mix it into food than to listen to the child's dissatisfaction and unwillingness to take this medicine.
Half of her twice or thrice a day, according to prescription, can be given to children from six to fourteen years.
Naturally, like most drugs, suprastin should be given to children only after a meal and not on an empty stomach.
Often suprastin is prescribed not only as a medicine against allergies, but also as a means to relieve swelling of the nasopharynx, for example, in the early stages of colds.
In addition, suprastin has a slight sedative effect, which is beneficial for the treatment of a disease, because we all know that the best medicine for a sick toddler is a dream.