Before becoming an accountant, you need to get an education. Not necessarily that it is higher. The main thing that it had practical value. Already at this stage show the qualities of a good accountant - carefully select courses. Seek advice from "experienced" members of the profession.
The receipt of the document confirming that you attended the course, is only one small step to the cherished goal. Be patient, now beginning the practical activity. Next step find someone who will teach you all the nuances of the profession. For an accountant this is very important because there are a lot of tricks, without which knowledge it will be very difficult to work with. On average, after 1.5-2 years with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and experience will be enough to understand the basic principles. Since then, the work of the chief accountant in a small organization, you will not be afraid.
Do not miss any chance to gain knowledge, to understand the work of the organization. At the outset of the rule is to always ask questions of your mentor, the chief accountant, and, most importantly, yourself. Why is it so? What happens if I do this? What will that do to the whole organization? How else can it be done? Be sure to find the answer to these questions. After receiving the response, and making some action, ask again, where will this lead. Remember that it is better to double-check once again than "retroactively" to correct mistakes.
Constantly improve their qualifications, study the regulations and read additional literature. To do this, consult with experienced accountants (make contact), go to seminars, subscribe to magazines for accountants, practical, and suitable to the peculiarities of accounting in your organization (for example, for those who are on the "simplified taxation").
In our country accounting in organizations are divided into accounting and tax. Its peculiarity in contrast to international standards is to focus not on the benefit of accounting for the enterprise, and then in time to take statements and to pay taxes. Be aware of these subtleties, but to study the international accounting system.
To maximally facilitate your work. Develop the document management system records in such a way that always is easy to find the desired documents to find and correct errors. Plan your activity. Don't leave important things to the last minute (e.g., reporting), make them early.