Talk to managers and make on the basis of data obtained from them, an analytical report on the work of the Department over the past few years. Reliable statistics for the period shall be not less than three years. Analyze the dynamics of the work of the Departmentusing the characteristic indicators of its work, develop realistic goals.
The figures obtained compare with those that exist at the moment. Based on these data, formulate goals and objectives of the Department for a year. Consider how realistic it is possible to increase production performance, and in what way this can be achieved. If you expect an increase of a few tens of percent, in this case, you can do only efforts, but if you planned increase of the main indicators of much, to achieve them you need to consider and seriously to convert the entire production process, which also should be reflected in the plan.
Shall describe the implementation of the plan on terms adjusted for seasonal factors. If the work of the Department is associated with the how to work vendors or the timing of third-party contracts, please note that. Assign responsibility for completing each aspect of the plan of work of the Department.
Remember that the lack of regular monitoring makes work routine. In order for your plan to become a reality, schedule a regular inspection and reporting, which will represent heads of departments. Reporting gives you real control of the it Department.
Introduce the heads of departments with the plan of work of the Department, based on this, they are required to prepare their individual annual plans. Adjust and modify the plan based on feedback from subordinates and those plans which will provide you with the heads of departments.