Decide how many employees will work in the Department of personnel. Modern personnel management in addition to traditional personnel records, document management and publication orders on the staff composition includes and other tasks. This methodological development for the selection of candidates, organization of cooperation with recruitment agencies, creating and updating database of applicants. The personnel Department should also monitor the implementation of official duties by employees of the enterprise, to organize their training and certification, to oversee the issues of labor and wages.
The division of responsibilities between the employees of the personnel Department in accordance with these objectives. If necessary, create a group of a few people who will be engaged in selected directions. Write the position of the Department of personnel and job descriptions for every job. In the position of the Department of personnel list of its main tasks and functions. Identify those rights which are vested in the members of the personnel Department and their responsibility. Prescribe in the document how you will communicate with the other structural units.
Prepare a list of regulatory documents which employee staffing services your company will be guided by in their work. Consider whether the development and publication of local regulations that will apply in your company.
Make a range of cases, which will lead the HR Department in the company. Develop forms of statistical reporting, determine the frequency of compiling and reporting personnel accountability. Develop requirements for registration of personnel documentation, check its legitimacy. Develop a position about the archive, define retention periods of documents.
Consider the issues of optimization of work of HR Department, automation. Purchase specialized software, conduct training and implement it in your company.