Inadvertently eat cold foods, like ice cream or soft drinks. Nestes snow or snap off an icicle and parisite her.
Will pereklita yourself staying long in the cold under the air conditioner or sit in the draft. Then you get sick laryngitis, tonsillitis (angina), and maybe even a tracheitis. A particularly strong effect on the vocal cords it has laryngitis, causing them to dysfunction due to extensive inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.
However, it is very risky and fraught with complications for the body because the voice can be lost forever.
How to make voice breaking
Talk long hours without a break – three or four hours. It may be during reading you lecture. It does not pay attention to dryness and tickling in the larynx, do not let yourself relax, to soften the throat a couple of SIPS of water.
Often be nervous and worry, being in a state of stress. It also inhibits the vocal cords. In any case, do not refuse from participation in a loud argument or even make a scandal. Much strain your voice, speak very loudly, crevices to cry.
Overly long practice of loud singing and then go out into the cold, and there continuing to overtax the vocal cords.
Often drink soda water, beverages. Eat too hot, spicy food.
Often breathe in dusty, polluted air, moreover, do not breath in the nose and through the mouth. But if you smoke, it is even more will bring you closer to the cherished goal of losing voice, as the smoke and dust dries and coarsens the fabric of the vocal cords.
In some people, the intake of alcohol can cause significant deterioration in the voice – until the complete disappearance. Especially if it exacerbated something that was listed above.
If you use the product you have has already had an allergic reaction, then it is possible development of anaphylactic shock. Happens extensive soft tissue swelling of the larynx and trachea. It may be so that you will not be able to breath, and only prompt medical assistance will take you out of this dangerous condition.