The easiest variant is to find the email address of the person to use a search service, for example or other search engines. To do this, type in search string data (name and surname) of the person you want.
If you are aware of other data - phone number, city of residence, date of birth, profession, etc. - it will significantly simplify the search. Thus it is possible to find a personal website or blog, social network page or other data of the person, where can be specified his e-mail.
Try to find the profile you are interested in man in popular social networks: "Odnoklassniki", "My world", "Vkontakte", etc. To do this, enter his name in the search bar. In the corresponding fields specify the region of residence of a person or other known data.
If it is found multiple users, choose accounts at a time. Opening the profile view, you specified information about the person - in particular, email address or other means of communication (ICQ, Skype, etc.). If contact is not specified, the user can hide them in their privacy settings.
Also you can perform a search using the service "Mail.Ru Agent" ("agent"). After opening this program to the bottom of the panel "agent" click on the underlined link "Add contact". In the window "adding a contact" tick the option "Personal data". Enter the information: alias, name and surname, city (region, country) of residence, etc.
Filling in the fields on the personal data, click "search". If something is found, will open display "search results" with the data found by the people. Among these can be entered either e-mail or icq-number.
If the person whose e-mail address you want to know, have a profile on a social network "My world", you can try another "secret weapon". Open his profile and hover over his picture in a detailed form (avatar). Then just right click the avatar and select the context menu item "Copy link address". Open a new window in your browser and in the line enter email addresses, insert a link (right-click on the "Insert"button).
In the copied link to determine the username of this person - he will stand about the middle of the link (for example, name)/_myphoto...). Then the method of selection (, etc.) try to determine the end of the email address after the @ separator, then at this address you can send a letter. This files most often among users of social networks "My world" in the email address used end