To confession, you can start at any time, but it is generally accepted that the confession must come before communion. This Ordinance should be carefully prepared: thoughtfully and carefully analyze all of his life, noting what needed to repent in the confessional before the priest. Set your heart and soul in penitential mood.
Remember that confession is not a conversation, it is worth speaking about your sins and ask for his forgiveness from God for their sins. In any case, do not try to condemn others and to justify itself in any act. Proceed to confession only after prior reconciliation with all who have once offended or holds a grudge against you. If practically it is impossible, for whatever reasons, genuinely make peace in your heart. Come to confession not being reconciled is a mortal sin.
Don't be fooled by the weight of their sins, as there is no unforgivable sin except the unrepentant and unconfessed. After all, the Holy Christian people, once terrible sinners, repented, received forgiveness from God and ascended to a higher level of Holiness. The priest in the confessional even the most heinous and grave sins should not have bad feelings for ispoveduyuschaya.
The main thing – do not fret and do not be afraid. Your ignorance of some Church rites is not a barrier to relationship with God. He sees how and why you came to him, and certainly will take your, even artless prayer. Three days before penance and communion, start fasting, praying.
If the priest for any reason is not able to listen in detail to you and just asked, "do you repent your sins?". Respond with heartfelt sorrow and sincere way: "Repent". Immediately the priest will read the prayer of absolution. May not be embarrassed by the brevity of confession, because the grace of God has cleansed your soul, and he has arrived in full. If any sin weighs heavily on your soul and does not rest, ask the priest to listen to you fully and helped to purify ourselves from the heavy burden.