The first output you need to choose the image that will most accurately represent you. You can, of course, to shock the audience, if in General (maybe some change) would be your way throughout the contest. But then if you plan to appear in the image of a girl from the Institute for noble maidens, and shocking at the output than attracting attention, the audience as jury is unlikely to appreciate. People will understand that you're very clumsily trying to manipulate them.
Not disclose all at once. You are not on the job taking: it's there, maybe you need to tell us about all his achievements and virtues of both mind and character. Here modesty (in reasonable certainly limits) will be the only weapon. Leave the best for dessert is to put it on public display when the strategic reserve of your rivals will have been exhausted.
In preparation for the performance worry not only about appearance, but about what you say to the jury and the audience. It often happens that words, poorly chosen or poorly spoken, spoil the impression of the most elaborate, sophisticated, expensive appearance. Real beauty should know how to speak beautifully, so while you have time, work on your voice, speech, vocabulary and gestures.
Now you need to work out the content of your, so to say, speeches of welcome. As already mentioned, do not need a full list to enumerate their achievements. Second, don't overuse jokes, especially if a sense of humor you are not okay. People who could only disliking your attempts to make them laugh, is unlikely to give you the palm in relation to beauty. Thirdly, no way in hell that you can't pay attention to the weaknesses of rivals. All these rules are very important throughout the competition, but especially pay attention to them when you identify yourself as a first impression should be good.
All of the above can be reduced to one simple to understand and very difficult to perform the approval. Beauty can't only be external. Dresses, makeup, figure - all of this can only emphasize or set off the beauty of your inner world. Therefore, in a beauty contest to win the one, which does not contradict internal external, while both beautiful. Why not "flunk" your first release and story about yourself and be confident.