You will need
- Administrator of the personal computer on which you will install AutoCAD.
- Serial number – it should be printed on the package AutoCAD. If you upgrade an earlier version of AutoCAD you want to use its serial number. It can also be found on the relevant package, or to learn menu AutoCAD items Help → About.
Installing AutoCAD is made by the installer, which either starts automatically or you need to find the root directory of the CD-ROM file Setup.exe and to run it. After initialization, the screen will appear the menu shown in figure "Start menu". Select "Install Products" (Installation products).

On the next page are invited to select which is included in the product package we want to install.

Further suggested reading and adoption (or rejection) of the License agreement.

The following page is a short questionnaire: name, surname and the name of the organization who purchased the system. Just below you need to choose whether you want to install AutoCAD on a trial period of 30 days or willing to enter the serial number and key printed on the package. After filling in the required fields, click Next.

Before starting the installation process you are invited to check the settings and configure each installed product individually. To change the installation options and the components need to choose in the drop down menu "Select a product to configure" (Select product to configure the product and click "Configure" (Configure).

If you decide to change the installation settings and click "Configure", then first you will be prompted to choose the type of your license Stand-alone license (Standalone license) or Network license (Network license). If you decide not to change anything, this and the next four paragraphs the user can skip.

Clicking "Next" you will see the page shown in the figure. Here you are asked to choose installation type: "Typical" (Normal) or "Custom" (Custom). If you do not have knowledge about the structure and AutoCAD are not targeting the purpose of its components, it is recommended to choose the regular option. If you choose "Typical", it will set the component set to "default". You can only change: to set or not the component is "Express Tools". Following is to choose to place on the desktop shortcut and where to install AutoCAD.

Installation type "Custom" implies knowledge of the user which components he will need, and what - not. In the appeared window "Select features to install" you can select them, removing or putting, boxes present in the feature pack. Displays a brief description of the "Feature description" is currently selected component.

On following page you can choose whether you want the installation process to install the package(s) fixes "Service Pack", if it exists and/or is available for download. If you select 'Include Service Pack from" then the install program will check its availability on the website of the manufacturer. If found to be available to download packages, the list is displayed in a small window below this menu item. Opposite the name of each package to spell its size and there is a button "Download" (Download). After clicking "Download" you will be shown the process of downloading, which, if successful completion, be replaced with a green checkmark. The fix pack can also be taken from the physical disk on the local computer or local network. For this you need to select "Include Service packs from local drive or local network. The last item in this menu allows you to refuse the installation of any hotfix package Do not include Service Pack". When finished with the selection in this menu, press the "Next"button.

Completing the installation settings by pressing the "Complete Configuration" (configuration is complete). By pressing it we go back to step 5 of our instructions.

If the installation options suit you, then click "Install" (Install).

If the installation is successful, the screen will be displayed with the appropriate message "Installation Complete" and click "Finish".

When you first start AutoCAD will require you to activate the license. This can be done via the Internet (manufacturer's recommended), by phone, mail or Fax. The appropriate form will be provided to you.