First of all, pay attention to body language, because he never lies. If a man is interested in you, he rarely turns his back to you, and when conversation tilts the body forward. Also note how the man looks at you. If a man is while making eye contact looks away quickly, then most likely, he is indifferent to you, but an inner indecisiveness does not allow him to make the first move. If a man tries to catch your gaze, then beyond any doubt: he likes you. If a man glances at you sideways, when he tells a joke or funny story, then this is another indicator that he is interested in you and your reaction to his words.
The man accidentally touched your hand or hugged you at the meeting? He is in no hurry to straighten out the leg, accidentally tapping your feet under the table? These signs also signal interest in men, unless, of course, you're not a playboy, who is not averse to flirt with each counter. Often men especially begin to flirt with other girls in the company to attract your attention. While talking with another girl he sneak glances at you, you can not even doubt that you love this man.
Interested the man often shows interest in what you like. For example, did you tell him about your favorite television program, and the next day he reviewed all the releases. Thus he is clearly trying to attract your attention. In addition, please note that not nervous whether the man in conversation. He nervously chuckles, deep breathing? He has sweaty palms and shifty eyes? Such signs of nervousness show that a man trying to make you best impression. In addition, an interested man can "feelers" compliments. He is the first to notice your new hairdo or a beautiful dress. In addition, such a compliment can be a great opportunity to talk one-on-one.