As you know, the labor law introduced a new amendment. The employee can be taken without the work book and place it on the new enterprise. For this you need to obtain a statement of the applicant about the loss of employment. In this regard, in the hands of the population may be a whole bunch of labor instituted in various companies. Therefore, the presence of human labor with the entry of dismissal is not direct evidence that it does not work.
If you stand at the labor exchange and have the status of unemployed, then it's simple. Take the certificate that you receive unemployment benefits and are unemployed.
With the total working population is the deduction of pension Fund contributions and subject to income tax, which is recorded in the tax office. A certificate stating that you are not working you can get in a pension Fund or the tax office. You will be given a certificate with a period of contributions on your behalf are not available.
If you are in maternity leave or leave to care for a child, help can be taken from your employer, from the company that you went to this type of leave.
Not working because of downsizing or closure, you can obtain a certificate confirming your reduction or termination of the enterprise.
Usually help from the tax office are sufficient to prove the fact that you are not working.