You will need
  • Pencils, paints, or markers.
  • Sketchbook or sheet of paper.
  • A Notepad to jot down ideas.
  • Dictionaries and reference books.
"Something" + "Landia". A land - "earth" in English. Consequently, it is possible to call your Kingdom Vydumannye, Vaterlandes. Can first part of the name to choose from the Russian lexicon, you can search the equivalents in the dictionaries of foreign words. On the same principle are formed the names with "tails" "one", "Anija", "oil", "ia". For example, if the basis of the name to take the products, you get the Principality of Macaroni, County of Marzipane, Sokolia Duchy, Kingdom Colbase. These names suitable for countries with European medieval life, castles, knights, magicians and beautiful ladies.
Eastern country may end in "Stan". For example, Tristan from the universe of Clive Staples Lewis (novel "the Horse and his boy"). Same thing if the characters are non-existent country, live in the mythical realities of India. Melody titles should conform to the cultural image of the country. Therefore it is necessary to prescribe the fabulous realities in more detail. If the name is not, then you just sit down and draw a map or sketch of the capital of this country. Or at least to portray locals in national dress. To the name "stuck" should fill the project details.
Exotic. If enchanted land is a tropical, if it is full of mysteries and secrets, and its inhabitants are more like South American Indians pre-Columbian era, nomads or cannibals, you'll have to dig into scientific and historical books, collections of myths and legends. This is where you can find rare for our ear and melodic name. In extreme cases, you can change the name of the city, country or some sightseeing. So, for example, Tegucicalpa can become a Principality of Calatogue.
For the country in which you live, the villains, or the inhabitants, enslaved by some evil wizard, you need to choose names which contain the vowels "o", "u" (for example, Mordor in Lord of the rings"). There can be a lot of hissing and deaf of sounds. You can also take well-known words "nightmare", "horror, "Wraith" and change in them, some of the letters but leaving the sound. Subconsciously these words will be associated with our usual negative terms. Because there is a theory that people associate sounds with certain emotions. A - openness, generosity. And, E - stealth. Oh, the gloom, the decay. R - militant enthusiasm, aggression.