Start your preparation at least a week. To learn the exam in one day is impossible, especially if the entire semester you attended classes or not really paid attention to them the words of the teacher. The flow of information will lead to better uptake and retention.
Rate the amount of information that must be learned, and make a schedule. Will share all information on tickets, count their number and distribute for the remaining time before exam days. Challenge yourself to read daily a certain number of tickets, and in any case hold to this goal, otherwise by the end you will have to learn much more that will not work.
Do not be distracted. It is better to read only an hour in silence than several — in a noisy stop. Turn off the TV, radio, player and computer. Do not be tempted for a moment to look into the social networks or call a classmate. Focus on your material, ponder in the reading, if something was misunderstood — go back and read it again. Do not try to memorize the text by heart. The main thing in training is to understand the material, digest it and tell the teacher on the exam.
Take breaks. Of course, many hours of cramming will not lead to anything good. Get up from the table approximately every forty minutes. Holidays can last five to ten minutes, during which you should have time to drink water, eat, do some stretching and walk around the room. Try not to switch attention to the computer or TV.
If before the exam, only one or two days, and the volume of information is too large, you will have to apply extreme technology - "read bias". The gist of it is that you do not grasp the meaning of material, and looking through it. There is one "but": this method is suitable only for those students who have well-working visual memory. When you pull out the ticket, the words from the books will pop-up in the head, and the answer will arise by itself.