You will need
  • - sedatives.
If you have experienced an acute shock or are in a state of chronic stress, the presence of anxiety will always accompany you. To get rid of it, try to calmly accept the situation. Take light sedative in herbal medicines.
To cope with anxiety and stress will help you extract or tincture of Valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, oregano, peppermint, hops. In pharmacies sold a lot of products based on vegetable raw materials that are dispensed without prescription and effectively cope with anxiety, insomnia, irritability, increased emotionality, mood lability and other symptoms that inevitably accompany chronic stress.
If light sedatives do not help you defeat the anxiety, see your doctor. You will have a full medical examination, based on the results of appropriate treatment.
When anxiety caused by pathology of the cardiovascular system, will be assigned to the pharmaceuticals, regulatory pressure or other medications depending on the diagnosis.
Anxiety caused by impaired functioning of the brain, mental, nervous disorders treated with nootropics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers.
Only the doctor can find the medicines you need, dose, frequency and time of admission. The independent use of psychotropic agents is not recommended. In addition, these drugs are dispensed from the pharmacy network only by prescription from a doctor with his own seal. Prescribed pharmaceuticals on the letterhead with the official seal of the medical institution.