You will need
  • - adsorbing the drug ("Drug", "POLYSORB", "Neosmectin");
  • "Hilak-Forte";
  • - "Bifidum Bakterin".
First, you need to understand what is causing you allergies, and completely eliminate all contact with the allergen.
Avoid treatment Allergy antibiotics not prescribed by a doctor. A wrong drug can not only be useless, but also intensify allergic reaction, and even cause anaphylactic shock.
If you notice symptoms of allergies, set a goal: remove the allergen from the body. For this, first of all, a good clean your stomach and intestines any inert absorbent material, for example, "Polisorb", "Neosmectin" or "Smektoj".
Next, you need to restore gut flora to pathogenic bacteria present in it, not aggravated your condition. Excellent restorative remedy is the drug "hilak-Forte". To achieve the desired results, take it within two to three weeks.
After completion of receiving "hilak-Forte" in the stomach is necessary to start beneficial bifidobacteria. To do this, start to take one of the preparations containing these substances the body needs, for example, "Bifidum Bakterin".
The result of all these actions on cleaning and restoring microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, all allergens are removed from the body, and the progression of the Allergy stopped.
If the allergies don't give you no rest day or night, immediately contact the doctor-allergist. He will tell you how quickly to withdraw the allergens from the body, eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of allergies and to get rid of this disease.