To get rid of fat on the stomach, need to combine systematic physical activity with proper nutrition. Only by performing all of this together, you can count on results. It makes no sense to torture yourself to sweat daily and drink a beer or eat a hamburger.
Eat right. To remove the extra pounds, do not have to go on a diet and experience constant hunger. Simply minimize from your diet alcohol and any fizzy drinks, swapping them for fruit, tea and water. Do not eat flour, fat and very salty. Try to eat 4-5 times a day but small portions. Replace fried foods boiled or baked in the oven Cabinet. Try to use when cooking food less of seasonings and oils. And don't fill dishes so beloved mayonnaise, sauces and ketchups.
Move more. If possible, give up driving a car and public transport. Go to the store on foot and climb the stairs instead of the Elevator. Make it your healthy habit.
Get a run. This is the best way to burn excess weight not only on stomachbut also throughout the body. If you are suffering from heavy weight, and you still are hard to run, just walk briskly for a long time, gradually replacing step Jogging.
Download the press. As soon as you feel that the extra weight started to walk away, do some strengthening muscle belly. Lie on your back, bend legs in knees, put your hands behind your head and lift the chest towards the knees. This will inflate the upper and middle abs. Lower abs can be strengthened by a simple lifting of straight legs from the lying position. Start with a small number of repetitions in several approaches, gradually increasing the load.