The easiest way to reconcile – known mathematical rule: "Straight is the shortest distance between two points". Please be brave and just say, "I'm Sorry, I know I did very bad! Honestly, didn't want to hurt you." Briefly explain why you that day was in a combative state. Report the problem to poor health. Without any constraint. Trouble girls during the critical days - not a mystery, guys know about it.
But if you feel that the offense was really strong – wait a while, give the guy simply cool. Otherwise, now he can behave inappropriately, seeing the offender. Let him get some rest and you time to think over the tactics of reconciliation.
Can enlist the help of friends in common, friends, relatives. Few young people can resist the request: "Show some magnanimity, she suffered so much critical of yourself, but not solved first to come to you! Say you forgive her, don't hold grudges". As a rule, after that, until the reconciliation was imminent.
If you are hesitant to speak up – send the guy a email or SMS message to the original repentance-love content. That might work, although some people prefer talking eye to eye.
In any case, do not try to appeal to his sense of male pride: say, man, "strong floor", and take offense like a woman. Imagine the sense of dignity is not only the fairer sex. These words are almost certainly even more angry guy, and instead of reconciliation with your disorder worse.
Do not blame a young man to blame. Your task is to make peace, and not to inflate the conflict.