An obsession may be constantly occurring Intrusive thoughts, ideas, fears, images, motives, impulses, memories. Often the patient understands that this is uncharacteristic of his normal behavior and tries to alleviate their condition by performing certain compulsive movement or ritual actions, which are aimed at reducing the anxiety. Worry and anxiety are always present when diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive neurosis.
Treatment appoints psychiatrist taking into account age, comorbidities and severity of neurosis in the patient. Complex methods of treatment allows to quickly arrest anxiety, to normalize sleep, to stop all the manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Drug therapy in the initial phase of treatment is performed in a psychiatric clinic. The patient is administered a tranquilizer from the group of benzodiazepines: "Diazepam", "Seduksen", "Valium", "Relanium", "Fenozepam". Sedation and hypnotic action of these drugs help to calm down, reduces tension, anxiety, normalizes sleep.
In severe disease can be treated with neuroleptics: "Sonapaks", "Eglonil", "Chlorprothixene". Manifestations of asthenia at the same time prescribed nootropics, for example, "Aminalon", "Nootropil", or psychostimulants "Cantegril", "Sidnokarb".
If the OCD occurs on the background of depression, the doctor will prescribe a combination of tranquilizers and antidepressants or neuroleptics and antidepressants. A good prognosis is achieved with a combination of neuroleptics with "Amitriptyline"
Apart from drug therapy, psychotherapy, acupuncture the active zones of nerve endings. Timely access to a physician allows time to begin treatment and avoid serious consequences and to prevent suicides and unintentional violation of the law.