First of all visit the endocrinologist and the gynecologist, get tested, get tested. Once again remind of inadmissibility of self-medication. Though, because the reasons for hormonal disturbances very much, and understand them only by a qualified technician.
For example, women (especially at a young age) frequent violations of the menstrual cycle. This can happen due to childhood infectious diseases, too low or, conversely, excessive body weight, and also insufficient development of female sex hormones. In establishing the latter reason, it is important to conduct a comprehensive treatment.
Along with drug therapy is recommended to adjust the diet, introducing in your diet foods rich in trace elements such as zinc and selenium. As agreed with your doctor to take a multivitamin complexes or food supplements containing these trace elements.
Treatment of hormonal disorders can be conducted in many different ways. A very common and effective the so-called "hormone therapy". Many women continue to treat it cautiously, for fear of such side effects as increasing body weight, change of voice etc. But this was typical of the hormonal drugs of the first generation, the modern tools lead to such consequences in the extremely rare cases.
A good effect can give leech therapy, hirudotherapy eating. It can help at any stage of the life of the female body: in adolescence, in adulthood, reproductive age and menopause. Some women cannot tolerate even the thought of such treatment. But it is a reliable, proven tool, known since ancient times, so you should overcome the fear and disgust.
Can resort to herbal medicine, that is herbal treatment. It gives good results power correction. It is recommended to reduce in the diet, the proportion of meat and meat products, respectively, by increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, vegetable oil (better olive oil), nuts.
In some of the most severe cases, it is necessary to resort to surgery.