Please read carefully the nail holes. The active smokers and people with lung diseases, they are thin and small. If the hole is missing on the nail of the ring finger, it indicates possible problems with the metabolism and lymphatic system. If the hole is not on all the nails of the fingers, it shows the probability of vitamin B12 deficiency, and possible problems with the thyroid gland and disorders of the circulatory system. Bluish color of the hole — a sign of liver problems.
Note the color of your nail plate. A sign of good health is a delicate pink nail colors. Bright red is a possible symptom of eritremii. If yellowish color, you must check the condition of the liver. Blue and white color nail plate – a reason to be examined by a gastroenterologist and a neurologist, bluish-purple indicates the probability of congenital heart disease. If your nail plate bought the gray color, this may mean a bout of malaria, black – diabetic gangrene or thrombosis of the brachial artery.
Look on your nails any spots. Small white spots may be associated with dysfunction of the Central nervous system, and a malfunction in brain function can serve as yellow spots. Bluish hue says about cardiovascular disease. Too pale nails is associated with anemia, lack of iron, vitamins and minerals. If the affected adrenal cortex, the nail plate can be whitish, as in liver cirrhosis is milk - white. Black spot says about subungual hematoma.
Note that the nail of the ring finger, "decorated with" white spots, may indicate the deposition in the kidney of calcium. If white spots are on the index finger, this suggests potential accumulation of calcium in lungs. The presence of brown or dark yellow stains on the nails - the first sign of fungal disease, they can also result from long-term use of antibiotics.
If you noticed grooves on the nail plate, you know that basically they are the signs of infectious diseases. The nails usually talk about the diseases of the endocrine system, convex and thick – about issues in the work of the lungs. Psoriasis or inflammatory disease of the joints may contribute to the emergence of numerous dimples on the nails. Lack of iron in the body can lead to profound and concave nail plates.
Remember that diagnosis of diseases as nails does not give absolute confidence in the presence of these diseases. The correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment can only be experienced doctor.