You will need
  • candle,photo, mirror, nettle or wormwood
Of course, if there is good, and evil, too, as everything in the universe is in equilibrium. But it is not they fight each other, that we are at war with themselves, with their weaknesses, delusion and ignorance. And everything else "evil" – only the bitter fruits of our past actions. If you were once trampled love, destroyed a family, destroyed a loving person, etc., you are a potential victim of a love spell in this life.
However, be careful not to confuse the unexpected strip of bad luck with true symptoms of a love spell: if you have any unexplained pathological attraction to a person of hitherto unpleasant to you, if you find it difficult to control himself and listen to the voice of reason, if you have mastered apathy, irritability and an aversion to loved ones, there nediagnostirovanne ailments, etc. If it is manifested in your behavior or someone in the family, first of all, calm down and think it over. There are a few simple ways to verify this for sure. But it is better not to get involved.
All you need is to change yourself, clear your mind, body and soul. To reconsider their attitude to people, especially close and dear. Try to decide if you can handle it yourself or need help. Anyway, avoid the "easy way" and remember, "Satan expels Satan".
It is better to go to Church, talk to priest, to visit the monastery. Holy places filled with the living presence of God, their healing power is incomprehensible. Purify your heart from resentment, anger, pride and self-pity. True repentance and forgiveness – your path to liberation. But don't take him over the sea of scalding tears at confession, etc. – it's not one of the day – is a state of mind. Liberation is the grace, unconditional love and all-pervading joy of life. Wish all happiness, and no evil will dare come near you.
However, there are folk ways.
If you know when and who performed the ceremony, take his photograph or personal item
In that number, when he was made a spell on you, sit in front of a large mirror in which no one except you is not reflected,
put in front of a picture or thing so that they were visible in the mirror, but did not block your face.
Light a candle-lit Church, looking at the image on the picture, try to feel into his energy (experienced magicians feel the human presence). As soon as you feel him start channeling. Your speech should be full of short and clear phrase ending with the word "let go". Don't ask and don't cry. Just say. Do not use the particle "no" and do not say the word "no" - the universe does not know such words! In any case do not wish the person evil, speak good.
As soon as you feel that said it all – flip your photo and cover it (or the thing) or wormwood, stinging nettles (don't be afraid to get burned – it is believed that such a "natural" pain comes purification), blow out the candle and in the morning, put the candle in the Church for the health of the person, from the love spell you rid.