Unlike Australia, Canada and other countries with open immigration, Germany has long been to take all comers. But, nevertheless, to move to the country is quite real, just need to know what path of exile is best suited to your situation.
The easiest way in this issue we have people that fall under program admission on a national basis. If your family can be traced German or Jewish roots, feel free to contact the German Consulate where you will be given all the necessary information. But know this: before you enter the country you will have to pass an exam on the German language, the representatives of the German nationality in addition to academic language will require more and "knowing your roots". This term refers to the ability to speak the old German dialect, preserved in the family, knowledge of customs, cuisine or any other details, confirming that the family survived the German culture.
Germany – country student, to enroll at her UNIVERSITY quite easily. The tuition fee is quite symbolic, you'll need to bring only the funds required for his own residence. But regular high school diploma for admission will not be enough. Need at least 2 additional years of study in a Russian University to have your documents could match the level of German tuition. Well, about the knowledge of the language too should not be forgotten.

I want to improve my language for sure submission is for the Au Pair program. Young people under the age of 25 can come to a German family for one year and learn the language, immersed in the language environment. In this case you will have to help the family with the housework, to nurture children. But you will have a private room, and each month you will pay 260 euros pocket money. In the Internet you can find many agencies that help to move to the country under this program. All services are usually paid by the host family so that you have absolutely no risk.

Another way to move to Germany can be called a marriage. Using the Internet to get acquainted with a foreign partner a breeze. Learn some German (Yes, in all cases it is necessary to learn the language, but otherwise can not be, you want to move to a German-speaking area) and go to the Dating sites. If you are open enough for easy communication, you will definitely find your other half. Go for it, and you will succeed.