Write a statement in GIMS the Ministry of emergency situations, in which, Recalling the existing rules of state registration of small size vessels, make a request on the register. The statement indicates that the documents establishing the right of the owner of the ship lost.
Will receive from the MOE waiver in writing (in the absence of title documents , the organization cannot register a ship, but their refusal needed for the court), then legal aid write a petition and take it to the court in whose territory is failing to register the boat GIMS.
The statement will demand the recognition of the right of ownership of a particular ship, and to register this boat. The statement of claim, as a rule, contains detailed information on how you purchased the boat, where it was stored and how long, also on the materials from which made the ship and its technical characteristics. The statement also reported about the treatment in GIMS, their failure and the absence of any documents on the ship. If there are witnesses to his sale, this is an additional plus. When applying need to pay the stamp duty, but, due to the fact that such a statement does not have property nature, the amount of the fee is quite small.
Further judicial decision the boat recognize owned by a specific person who filed the application, and the state Inspectorate for small vessels be obliged to carry out registration of this vessel, what is required initially.
And, finally, the third or the inspector of the service comes to the inspection of the boat or you bring it to the inspection, after which time the registration of documents, an average of not more than 3 weeks, you get a ship's ticket and accommodation which must necessarily attach to the side of the vessel. However, we must remember that swimming need more rights, for which you need to study (1 to 1.5 months in special courses), and then to pass examination in GIMS.