The workplace is the primary element of any company and represents the area of labor action of the contractor to perform a specific job. When composing features , first specify its name, classification group and number of employees. Enterprises of all production locations are closely connected among themselves. How each has a direct influence on the rhythm of collective work and the results of its work.
Be sure to check the individual's workplace or collective. When an individual secured for him a permanent employee, a collective designed to perform work by multiple people. Often on productions, for example, sub-enterprises, individual working places spetsializiruyutsya operations of the technological process. In this case, few jobs created production line.
Then proceed to the description of the content of this site. List all major job functions. Give technical feature of the work. Specify the contents, tools and organization of work.
Then list the requirements that apply to the employee's qualifications. Determine the required level of education, specialization, professional experience. If the workplace is on the shop, check the claim of a physical nature: muscle load, posture, visual acuity, hearing, effects of the environment. In some plants it is necessary to specify the mental characteristics: the uniformity and monotony of the work, a willingness to be cooperative efforts, the ability to regulate, the existence of a collective spirit.
The characteristics also indicate the specialization of work places. This includes the establishment of a specific production profile, as well as the respective consolidation of similar operations, equipment, allocation of responsibilities.
In the future, just observing all these characteristics, you will get a rational organization of work places subject to the power and specialization of the company, the nature in technological processes and their sequence.