Typically, the firewall does not distinguish the user from spyware, so when you first start communicating with a network application begins to sound the alarm. So, the regular Windows firewall displays a warning window asking whether to block the program. You can press the Lock button and the application will be denied Internet access. Or to allow the program to connect to the Internet by pressing "Unlock, in this case, it will create the appropriate rule. Specifically open the port in this case is not necessary, the firewall does everything himself.
In some cases, the user has to purposefully open a specific port. In the normal Windows XP firewall it is very simple: open the settings window: "start – control Panel – Windows Firewall" select "Exceptions". Click "Add port", in the opened window specify a connection name and the number of the port. The name can be anything. Click "OK", the port will be opened.
The firewall in Windows 7 has more features for the settings and rule creation. For configuration, open "start – control Panel – Windows Firewall", select "advanced options". In its left part, select the line "Create a rule for incoming connections", then "Create rule" from the right side of the window. Will open the rule wizard. Select "porta", click "Next". Specify the type of communication Protocol, usually TCP. Next select "Allow the connection" and click "Next". Specify the type of networks that will work the rule. Enter a name for the rule, click finish. The rule is created. Similarly, you can create a rule for outgoing traffic.
To open a portand popular firewall Agnitum Outpost Firewall, expand the main program window, select the tab "Settings – System". At the bottom of the window, locate the "Global rules and rawsocket access", click "Rules". A window will open, click "Add". Note birds points "Where Protocol", "direction" and "local port" in the "Select event for the rules." Just below is the field "rule Description", select "Not defined" in the line "Where Protocol", then in the opened window, select the TCP Protocol.
In the "rule Description" select "Not defined" in the line "Where direction", the type of connection you need the item "Incoming (from a remote computer to your computer)". In the same box, click the "undefined" in the line "local port" and enter the number of the portand that you want to open. Tick bird "Allow it" in the field "Select the actions for your rule". Click OK - the selected port is open for incoming connections. To open it for outbound traffic, run the same setup, just select "Outgoing (from your computer to a remote computer)".