Connect the service "Sberbank Online". It is necessary to apply to the nearest branch of "Sberbank of Russia" and to write the corresponding application. Will receive a user ID and password to gain access to this service. In parallel, it is recommended to connect the service "Mobile banking", which will allow you to monitor accounts and change passwords.
Click on the link Enter login information in "my account". In section "Credits" will be given information about all the creditthat issued in your name in "Sberbank Russia". Load the page of the loan at which payment must be made. Click "Pay", then you will need to select the account, the contribution or the card which you transfer the payment amount to repay. Confirm the operation.
Use the electronic purse Yandex.The money to pay the loanand "Sberbank". Go to "Pay" and select "Loans". Appears search a query in which you specify the name of the Bank. The system then automatically you will be redirected to completing the withdrawal. Specify the purpose of payment, amount, BIC, and INN of the Bank and correspondent accounts. It should be noted that in this case, the funds transferred to the account within 7 working days.
Make a wire transfer from an account at another Bank. Go to "Internet banking" your account or plastic card another creditorganization. Select "Transfer money" and specify the details of the credittion account. Be sure to note in the payment "Payment creditand contract number".
Confirm the operation. If you plan in the future to constantly use this service, you can link the accounts to each other and make the payment automatically.