When the birds hatched Chicks, then they start to bring them tiny pieces of sweet and juicy berries. So little by little, piece by piece, these birds can peretaskat in their nests the entire crop, leaving growers with nothing. And adult starlings, sparrows and other birds that like to eat cherries or cherry.

To scare away birds from their fruit trees, many gardeners put up scarecrows, windmills, various rattles or hang shiny computer disks or foil. I must say that the stuffed birds quickly get used to it and hardly pay any attention to them as to other similar attributes in the garden.

To ward off birds from fruit trees, you can buy ultrasonic otpugivateli. Good help in this case, fishing net or tulle draped over the crown of the trees. This Christmas decoration like rain, also protects the crop. He flutters and rustles in the wind, birds are afraid to sit on the branches of trees. The protection of the crown of fruit trees covering material also gives good results.

The ordinary bobbin thread No. 10 scare away birds, so to protect your harvest, wrap them in branches of trees. Experiments were conducted that showed that the black or white thread bring the birds into confusion and panic and well discourage them from fruit trees.