Table salt – a fine and safe for cloth way to whiten your net curtains from the yellow, the curtains return to their original spectacular design will not require much effort. Use salt in several ways.
Whitening of old tulle with a concentrated solution of salt
Whitening strongly yellowed, old net curtains, you can use a saline solution of high concentration.
Prepare curtains for bleaching, cleaning them of dust and dirt – soak for a couple of hours in warm water with added detergent, and then how should rinse and squeeze lightly. Put into a clean bowl.
Take a glass of salt and dissolve it in two and a half liters of hot water (so the salt will dissolve better). Allow the solution to cool to 35-45 degrees. Fill tulle brine, tracing to blind soaked them completely. Leave overnight, wash in the morning and you will see that the fabric returned to its bright white.
How to whiten slightly yellowed tulle
If the lace curtains slightly yellow – whiten their salt is even simpler. Prepare the tulle to whitening the same way as in the case of highly contaminated fabric – soak in water with detergent and a good rinsing.
Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of salt in warm water and add some washing powder. Immerse in a solution of the tulle and leave for at least three to four hours, better – overnight. After that, wash it on the hand or in the washing machine and how to rinse. Yellow tint will disappear, the tulle will look fresh and elegant.
"Salt bath" after washing
Already washed lace curtains also can be processed salt. And you can do it with the new curtains that have not had time to fade and turn yellow.
Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of salt in several litres of warm water and soak in it already washed curtains. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then allow to drain salt water, squeeze lightly and not vypolaskivat, hang on to the window. Iron is also not necessary – straighten the curtains on the window under its own weight.
This treatment not only slightly whitens the tulle, but also a little "podrabatyvaet" curtains, and the remaining tissue of tiny salt crystals will help the curtains to play and sparkle in the sunlight.