Eyelid may twitch for a variety of reasons. If the lower eyelid twitches for weeks, stopping for a time and resumed again, then it's a nervous TIC. It may twitch due to severe fatigue, stress or lack of sleep. In this case, you need to calm down, to sleep and rest. If you have a twitching eyelid almost constantly, with a break of several seconds and, thus, you are quite calm broweyelidm, it is possible that it develops a hemifacial spasm. This situation needed examination by a neurologist to determine the most accurate diagnosis.Also the eyelid can twitch in connection with the occurrence of beriberi, which occurs with the onset of spring. As a result, deteriorating the conductivity of the oculomotor muscles in the synapses. If you have a twitching eyelid and is accompanied by pain, in this case, you can say that your eyes were cold.If we consider wider - why can twitch an eyelid, then the fault can be obtained head trauma or some infectious disease that was transferred in the distant past. Because some events do not go unnoticed, and all that your body is going through in the past can affect your health in the present.To date, the reason why is still a twitch in my eye is the lack of a correct regimen of work and rest, crazy rhythm of life, a huge emotional and physical congestion. Many people tend to do everything faster, constantly nervous and somewhere slowly, forgetting completely about their health. As a result, suffer from neuroses, depression, excessive aggression, apathy and unbalanced mental state. And if you still start to twitch an eyelid, do not be lazy and go to the doctor.
Why eyelid twitches
Almost each of the people faced with the fact that for no apparent reason he would start to twitch an eyelid. Typically, this occurs because the muscle located near the eye, begins to shrink by itself due to nervous tension.

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