What is "Regidron" and how to take it

The powder contains micronutrients, which are especially in need of staying hydrated (sodium chloride, citrate and potassium chloride, anhydrous glucose). For solution preparation pharmacy "Regidron" we need to dissolve one packet of powder in a liter of cool boiled water. It might be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees for one day.

Before taking "Regidron" we need to evaluate the General condition of the patient, as well as to clarify the loss of his weight and level of dehydration. For this you need to weigh the patient and then give the drug in accordance with the received digits. In the first 5-10 hours, the solution is taken in doses twice the weight loss. For example, if a person has lost 300 g, the amount of the drug should not be less than 600 g. the use of additional fluids not usually required. "Regidron" can be taken as a preventive measure in case of overheating of the body heat and intense exercise with heavy sweating.

How to make "Regidron" at home

In case of emergency, code of pharmaceutical preparation is not at hand, you can make the equivalent yourself. To do this, take 100 grams of raisins and rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Pour the raisins in a saucepan and pour a liter of clean, cold water. Put on a slow fire. After boiling, simmer the raisins for about 20-25 minutes. Broth strain and refrigerate. Add one teaspoon of baking soda, one teaspoon salt, a tablespoon of sugar. Thoroughly mix all until dissolved. To store this solution for not more than 24 hours in a cool place. If the home is not raisins, it is possible to replace the broth with plain water, as long as it was clean. In this case, the amount of sugar should be increased in 2 times.

It should be remembered that the industrial drug and its homemade equivalent can not be taken suffering from diabetes, intestinal obstruction, disorders of the kidneys and the urinary system. "Regidron" is not used for the treatment of patients in an unconscious state.

What can I give instead of "Regidron"

There are times when a patient, especially a small child refuses to drink the oral rehydration solution. Dr. Komarovsky advises to replace the tool any drink that accepts baby. This can be a fruit or berry compote with minimal sugar, chamomile or other herbal tea and plain drinking water. Dehydration it is not necessary to give children a strong tea, cocoa, juices and fizzy drinks.