1-3 days before the operation the patient must pass a clinical blood. According to his results, the doctor may judge the presence and stage of the inflammatory process. Increased sed rate indicates the inflammatory process, the numbers of the ESR above 30 mmol per liter indicate chronic inflammation. The common cold or purulent contamination of the wound increases the number of leukocytes, shift leukocyte formula to the left – a signal of acute processes in the body, and the right – on the development of radiation sickness or megaloblastic anemia.
General blood test show the hemoglobin level. If the patient has signs of anemia in the postoperative period the chances of complications, so the patient is prescribed a special diet and iron supplements. For the surgeon important quantitative results in the analysis of platelets, because these cells are involved in the process of blood clotting and is required for fast wound healing.
Another important study is the General analysis of urine. According to the results judged on the work of the urinary system. If the analysis of a protein or red blood cells is a sign of severe kidney pathology, in this case you need to move the date of the transaction, and the acute need for surgical intervention is performed under the influence of drugs that enhance renal function. The presence of salts and sand in the analysis indicates kidney stones. During the operation, such a deviation from the norm requires additional preventative measures do not allow to provoke the movement of stones.
Before the operation is necessary to investigate the blood level of the clotting. With a low prothrombin index, a clot will long be formed, which will lead to bleeding. Therefore, patients with low PTI in advance prescribe drugs that increase the level of clotting. High of PTI leads to a rapid thrombosis of blood vessels, blood clots even in the needle when intravenous solutions, which interferes with the normal course of operation, so troversial prescribed drugs.
Analysis to determine blood group and RH factor is also required before surgery. Knowledge of the blood group of the patient allow you to prepare in advance of donor blood components in case of postoperative bleeding.
Make before surgery and screening tests to determine liver function. In the biochemical blood parameters are important quantitative data of enzymatic substances (Alat, ASAT, amylase), deviations of these indicators from the norm often indicate dysfunction of the liver is a contraindication to a number of operations.