When inflammation of the lymph nodes to self-medicate is dangerous. Suspecting this disease should immediately consult a doctor. First and foremost, you should resolve the underlying disease which was the cause of the inflammation. There is no point in trying to treat the symptoms because relapses will occur more often, and you will feel worse. The number of nodes is a sort of clue to accurate diagnosis.
Treatment inflammation of the lymph nodes is depending on the particular disease. So, if a patient was diagnosed with tuberculosis, to treat it will be anti-TB drugs in combination with a bracing means. If the treatment regimen was chosen correctly, the patient quickly goes on the amendment. Swollen nodes and other symptoms will begin to disappear.
Lymphadenitis can be eliminated in two ways: conservative or operative. For example, to alleviate their condition by applying the ethyl chloride. Spray them periodically lymph node to slightly freeze it. Thus, the pathological process in the lymph node could be stopped. You can also use the heparin or boric ointment. When it is necessary to open the abscess or adenolipoma, only an operation will help. It is usually performed under local anesthesia.
At the initial stage the inflammation of lymph nodes responds well to treatment with antibiotics. Their timely acceptance allows you to stop the process of inflammation. The most effective drugs: "Amoxiclav", "resorption", "Ceftriaxone", "Amoxicillin", "Ampicillin". The course of treatment with antibiotics lasts usually two weeks. By the end of the medication, the patient noted a dramatic improvement of the General condition of the body. Lymph nodes are reduced, the inflammation process stops and recovery begins. This is a distinctive feature of antibiotics.
Before prescribing antibiotics, the doctor performs a preliminary analysis limfouzly, and determines the sensitivity to the drugs. Additionally, you will need to donate blood. Sometimes the doctor makes a referral for a CT scan, x-rays or a biopsy of the lymph node. It allows us to determine the correct treatment regimen of antibacterial drugs, and to detect dangerous diseases.
In the case of inflammation of the lymph nodes in any case be self-medicate. Only a doctor can prescribe taking certain drugs. You only need to closely monitor changes in his body and the time to report them to the attending specialist.