You will need
  • water;
  • - a bowl or tub;
  • - a sponge;
  • soap, shower gel, powder, or shampoo;
  • - marker or soft felt-tip pen;
  • - flour;
  • - the pump.
The first method of detecting pinholes suitable for small mattresses. Inflate the product with a pump, but not too much. Fill the container with water so that it could sink to the mattress.
Submerge the mattress completely. If the product does not fit into a container, blow it lightly, carefully lay in the tub and only then please update to the desired state.
Observe the mattress for a while. As the release of air it will take in the water more noticeable, and the puncture appears small air bubbles. Under water carefully examine the puncture site besides him there may be a few small holes. Mark the damage with a marker or felt-tip pen. Not blowing the mattress, remove it from the water and patched the breakthrough.
If you have a large mattress, which is inconvenient to place it in the water, use the second method to find a puncture. Type water into a bowl, add shampoo, shower gel, liquid soap or powder and beat until a thick foam.
Enter to sponge the resulting foam and apply it on the surface of the mattress. Wait until they begin to form air bubbles, with a light lather they will be very well marked. If bubbles do not appear, turn the mattress the other side and repeat the procedure.
If all of the above methods are difficult to carry out, for example, the large size products or velour surface on which the foam soap solution, then find a puncture in an air mattress you can use the following method. Sprinkle a dry surface with flour or mustard powder and carefully inspect the product at the place of puncture stuff will deflate. To clean the mattress from flour, use regular vacuum cleaner.
Carefully hold a lighter or lighted match to the mattress in different areas – air leakage at the puncture point will slightly blow out the flame. These methods can be used to search for punctures on the life boat and inflatable toys.