Try to find out the cause of the inflammation of lymph nodes and possibly eliminate it. If lymph inflamed due to teeth that are decayed, to go to the dentist you still need. In General, the treatment is antibiotics, so drink any familiar drug. If you have no home antibiotics, contact your physician for a prescription. The course of treatment should range from 3 to 14 days.
Warming up procedures also helps to relieve inflammation and swelling with the lymph nodes. Put on the neck area electric heater. If you do not, you will rascality salt or sand in the pan, wrap in a dense woolen cloth. You should have something like a warm pillow. Put it on the inflamed lymph and lie down for about 40 minutes. Procedure is carried out several times a day.
Apply VapoRub on your neck. Suitable, for example, an Asterisk"". It will not only warm, but also slightly numb due to the content of essential oils. As ointments consist mainly of natural components, can cause allergies.
Buy Echinacea tincture. Take 10 drops 3-4 times a day. If you do not carry alcohol-based drops, steep 2 tablespoons of dried herb per Cup of boiling water. Take 2-3 tablespoons several times a day. Echinacea helps in the treatment of swollen lymph nodes, stiffness, swelling and enhances immunity.
If you did not help, immediately go to the hospital. Sometimes, the lymph accumulates pus and necessary to carry out the surgery. When the inflammation is severe, may put in the hospital, so be prepared and do not give up. Especially not treat young children without consulting a pediatrician.