The causes of defect stroller

There are three main causes that provoke the care of a stroller to the left. The first lies in the different tire pressure. The second is a non-symmetrical geometry of the frame. This may be caused by external damage, a temporary distortion or manufacturing defects. The third reason is the curvature of the axis of the wheel.

Methods of addressing the root causes of the defect stroller

First we need to run diagnostics on all of the wheels of a stroller. Check the tire pressure and if necessary swap the wheel.

If all the wheels are normal, go to the following reason and try to fix the geometry of the frame. Given the fact that the distance of the frames from the two sides must be identical, try it manually a bit to bend the frame. Increase the distance between wheels on the side that leads. In this case, the left side of the frame, pry, and right, on the contrary, slightly squeeze. To avoid damaging stroller, it is not necessary to exert maximum forces. After that test-drive.
To check the progress of the stroller, previsite it in a straight line. If the wheels continue to the left, try again repeat the entire procedure.

If this doesn't fix the problem, go to the third reason. The axis of the wheels also play a significant role in the smooth course of the stroller. First, do a thorough inspection, and then proceed to fix. To do this, turn the wheelchair so that the rear wheels were lifted and the front rested on the floor. Slightly step foot on the left wheel and the axle next to the wheel, a hand grip the axis of the rear wheel and choppy start to pull it up.
Try to pull without strong pressure not to break the wheel axle.

This way you will stretch the width between the front and rear wheel, which due to the incorrect addition or physical pressure may be reduced to 5 cm Then flip the stroller back to the starting position and shake it from side to side. Test the movement of the stroller. If the first attempt to remedy the defect to the axis of the wheels did not work, do not be discouraged, repeat this procedure again.

However, please note that if your stroller has a strongly broken geometry, frame leveling will be almost impossible without the help of a specialist and special equipment. So first, rate the degree of damage to the wheelchair. If it is significant, don't waste your time and energy, contact customer service.