You will need
  • Eggs
  • Three bowls
  • Knife
  • Separator for eggs
  • Thin disposable gloves
Using eggshell

Hit with a knife or other flat handle Cutlery on the egg at the top. Your task is to crack the egg so that the upper half was smaller than the lower. Carefully remove the top half. Keep the top half near the bottom and through the gap between them will strain the protein in the bowl. Pick up the egg yolk on the top half of the shell. Some of the "threads" of egg protein can be especially stubborn, help them with a fork. Put the yolks in prepared dishes.
Through the holes

A special device or a common office button do in the egg two holes (top and bottom). Slightly spread the bottom with tip of a knife. Hold the egg over a bowl, while the protein slowly flows from the lower wider apertures. Repel the upper half shell and pour the yolk into the other bowl.
With your fingers

Wear thin disposable surgical gloves. Place the hand with the egg above the bowl and break up the protein shell. Remove the shell with your free hand. Let the squirrel slowly drain between your fingers. Roll the yolk in your palm to drain off all the squirrel without a trace. Release the yolk into a separate bowl.
In a separator

Put the separator in the bowl of a suitable size. Break and release the egg so that the yolk is in the middle, and the protein flowed freely at the edges. Wait until all of the protein will emerge through the slit in the separator. Put the yolk in another bowl.