Make sure if you have a restriction on leaving the country. This restriction can be imposed only by court bailiffs on the basis of a court decision on recognizing you as a debtor. Neither the collector nor the Bank employees do not have such authority. The resolution on restriction of departure from the country should be sent to your mailing address. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for letters do not reach the recipient, and the presence of limitations, the debtor only finds out at the border. To avoid such unpleasant surprises, make sure you check the information in the office of the Federal bailiff service.
If the amount of your debt does not exceed 10,000 rubles, you can safely plan a trip abroad. The travel restrictions may not be imposed.
If the amount of your debt is still more than 10,000 rubles you can leave Russia without breaking the law. Method, which is used by thousands of travelers debtors, is exit through the border of Belarus, where there is no proper border control. From the cities of Belarus you can easily get to any part of the globe by any mode of transport. Some of the major cities of Russia appeared even travel companies offering such service as organization of travel for the debtors via Minsk and Kiev.
If you travel with transfers is not attractive, please note that the restriction on exit is set for exactly six months. Limitation is not extended, and can only be re-imposed. In the latter case, the procedure usually takes from several days to two weeks. This time is enough to travel abroad, if you, for example, have been dreaming to go on leave. In this case, you are breaking the law, however, this method has 100% efficiency due to frequent delays in updating the data base of debtors.